Resilience – resistance – overcoming of crisis That knocks me out? Wjy? Build your resistance, your resilience!Resilience is the product of several factors, you have already developped some of them. Let us develop more of them! wikipedia DEwikipedia EN
Category: mediation-EN
Reliability or uniformity; the quality of being consistent. quotations ▼They want to achieve a high degree of consistency in their process and their product. For consulting the most important function may be The consistency principle states that people are motivated toward cognitive consistency and will change their attitudes, beliefs, perceptions and actions to achieve it. Consistency of your own behaviour.To be distinguished from… Continue reading consistency
What interests you?What everybody wants? social targets? Success? What do you think about communities of interest? Do you think in own interest or for a community? Is interest the strategical power to force through your own power? Here you see the wonderful text of the pop singer NENA what can be behind the interest level… Continue reading interest
“Ueber den Wolken muss die Freiheit wohl grenzenlos sein….”“over the clouds freedom must be without any limits….” ….or am I then bound to a flying machine? So freedom – related to the ground- is limitless on top of the mountains? Or are you then bound to the limited ground area on the top? So what… Continue reading freedom
Already relationship initiation has a big market. Then there is the business of wedding planners. From then on it is becoming so complicated that there are only offers for mediation and lawyers for divorce but a very little number of programs to build a constructive setting for growing and keeping relationships. This can only be… Continue reading relationship
Is it power struggle if people have quarrels? Or is is lacking of synopsis, overview, from where it seems to be easier to find a solution than imaginable in the “fight modus”. Before you go on the level of law I recommend a mediation talk if both (or all) parties agree with that.
Soul language, human language, Babylon. From m y point of view we can talk German, English, Italian, French or Spanish – the main thing is hat we speak the meta-language level of SOUL-language, HEART-language or language of spiritual LOVE.