production process

Before a car is produced it has to undergo an entire production line. To have undergone such “micro-production line” as concert pianist for many times enabled me to formulate THE PIANO CODE as coming from the tradition of Franz Liszt (> Martin Krause > Edwin Fischer > Conrad Hansen > me), the greatest piano virtuoso… Continue reading production process

QM – quality management

QM - Essenz herausdestillieren

Quality mangement for (not only German) doctors offices.Fully electronical, no piece of paper. Running hands-off.Implemented in 2 days, training on 2nd or 3rd day for 2-3 hours. Germany: fully conform with law of Bundes-KV QEP-handbook.Everywhere else: makes sense for good management as well. A fraction of the cost to produce this with your own means.… Continue reading QM – quality management