doctor or not doctor?

Arztkittel oder Frack?

…that´s the question. I hold a full medical degree. My advice – coaching – consulting will not be payed by the health insurance, thus is no medical consultation. But you can PROFIT from my medical experience anyways!

Categorized as MD

dirigere – put straight

conductor of an orchestra a company a choir a state The highest concentration is it to bring all biological processes of a whole opera complex ON THE POINT to a harmonical musical beginning. Just from this experience we can find numerous derivations for your company.

Categorized as conductor

soul – body

like this a soul enters into the body of a medium (click) in an orderly setting (repeated 3 times for your better perception). Watch the different eye expression after entry. We ARE embodied for the duration of this incarnation. Posessing you own body with your own soul = status of full health. Because there has… Continue reading soul – body


Society should create a partnership-license. Or where have you ever got a professional coaching about partnership? Well, might be difficult to find a standard, having so many different sights of the world…. Coaching partners for me is inter-cultural and non-denominational above all religions and explicitely includes dialogue about physical contact. There are wonderful sources about… Continue reading partnership-license?

production process

Before a car is produced it has to undergo an entire production line. To have undergone such “micro-production line” as concert pianist for many times enabled me to formulate THE PIANO CODE as coming from the tradition of Franz Liszt (> Martin Krause > Edwin Fischer > Conrad Hansen > me), the greatest piano virtuoso… Continue reading production process


Is it power struggle if people have quarrels? Or is is lacking of synopsis, overview, from where it seems to be easier to find a solution than imaginable in the “fight modus”. Before you go on the level of law I recommend a mediation talk if both (or all) parties agree with that.

music – universal language

The THREE universal languages are: Mathematics have you heard of SUDOKU-therapy? Music music as non-verbal medium brings us back to ourselves as studied music-therapist I can accompany this process Love as partnership coach I can help you find new ways


Cinematherapy is no classical profession – nowhere “officially” defined. The specialist book of Birgit Wolz and her lecture in the German clinic where I could invite her made us the first hospital to apply cinematherapy: It is liberating to live the “katharsis” of a selected movie and get important impulses for your own issue.


To give you more presence you get a present: If you live with partner fill out both at the same time without showing. THEN reveal your visions to each other. If you then need a mediation I am at your disposition! It MUST be hand-written in short keywords for each cell so you will be… Continue reading present